Visitor Information

  • Topkapi Palace Opening Hours

If you're planning on visiting Topkapi Palace, here are important visitor information, including the opening hours, closing times, and the best time to visit.

Topkapi Palace Opening Hours:

Summer Season: From April 1st to October 1st. Museum, Harem and Hagia Irene: 9 AM to 6 PM

Winter Season: From October 1st to April 1st. Museum, Harem and Hagia Irene: 9 AM to 4:45 PM

Closing Days: Topkapi Palace is closed every Tuesday.

In addition, the palace is closed on: The 1st of May, The first day of Ramadan, The first day of Sacrifice Feast. 

Last Admission: The last admission is one hour before closing time. 

Best Time to Visit Topkapi Palace

Best Time to Visit Topkapi Palace

The best time to visit Topkapi Palace, to escape the crowds and have enough time to explore the vast complex comfortably, is early in the morning.

If you prefer not to visit in the morning, you can also visit the palace in the late afternoon, around 4 PM, at least during the summer season. At this time of day, you can enjoy the beautiful golden light that fills the palace. However, keep in mind that you will have only about two hours for the tour if you visit at this time.

It is advisable to visit Topkapi Palace on weekdays, as on weekends, Istanbul residents and people from other cities also come to visit, resulting in larger crowds. The busiest months are April to October.

Fourth Courtyard

How Much Time Should I Plan to Visit Topkapi Palace?

When planning your visit, keep in mind that Topkapi Palace is 350 hectares and there is a lot to see here. To explore the area thoroughly and to be able to visit all the sights, you need three hours.

Treat yourself to additional time to rest in the gardens and to enjoy a Turkish tea or coffee, maybe even a delicious specialty in one of the cafes and restaurants on the premises. In short: Plan at least half a day!

Topkapi Palace Guided Tours & Tickets
How to get to Topkapi Palace in Istanbul



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